Product Gift Black
Produced with the most fine and rich tobaccos and manufactured with modern tecnology to offer a superior quality

Introducing GIFT BLACK, the epitome of sophistication in the world of cigarettes. Crafted for those who seek a smoking experience that is truly exceptional, GIFT BLACK stands as the premium choice within the Gift Cigarretes lineup.

GIFT BLACK is meticulously composed of a distinctive blend of top-tier tobaccos, refined sugars, premium cigarette paper, plant extracts, and flavor agents. The result is a cigarette that embodies perfection, where every puff is a celebration of intense and exceptional flavors.

Additional information on the composition of GIFT BLACK:

Tar: 5mg
Nicotine: 0.5mg
Carbon Monoxide: 5mg

Discover the essence of smoking sophistication with GIFT BLACK, where quality reaches new heights. Elevate your smoking pleasure with a product that transcends expectations and invites you on a sensory journey of unparalleled refinement.

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